
Sign up for a subscription

To enjoy the benefits of Cyclocity-Toyama bikes all year round, subscribe directly online using a bank card. It's easy and quick!

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Click here for the list of 23 Cyclocity-Toyama stations and to download the map.

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Annual card

Planning on using Cyclocity-Toyama regularly to get to work or run errands?
The annual subscription is practical and economical.
You can ride a bicycle at any time with the member card sent to you after subscription.
You can use your transportation IC card as your bicycle key.
You can choose to use your member card or your IC card.
The minimum registration period for a regular pass is one year.

Long-term subscriber

For just 700 yen per month, you can hire a bike as often as you wish over an annual period.
If you have a transportation IC card or ECOMYCA, it is just 500 yen per month.

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