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Notice of Station Outage due to Toyama Matsuri

Notice of Station Outage due to Toyama Matsuri


During the Toyama Festival period, the following three stations will be closed: 04 Toyama Station South 2, 06 Toyama City Hall, and 09 Castle Park East Station.

Thank you for using Cyclocity Toyama.

Due to traffic restrictions and events during the Toyama Festival, we will be suspending the use of three stations for the safety of our customers.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and ask for your understanding and cooperation.

※Other stations are operating as usual.


【Detail information】

Stations to be closed: 04 Toyama Station South②, 06 Toyama City Hall, 09 Castle Park East

Suspension Period: From 16:00 on Friday, September 22, to 8:00 on Monday, September 25, 2023


Contact: Cyclocity Toyama Support Center
0120-979-496 (10:00 - 17:00 except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)